Early Arrival
So the Easter Bunny visited my house a little early. I must admit that I think that the Easter Bunny is slacking a little this year since he has taken to using the US Postal service, but then again I can't complain
too much since he did remember me. My Easter package included many of my favorites, and I am almost convinced that the Easter Bunny must read my blog, since he included gourmet popping corn, my favorite mint candies, and some very exciting hard cherry candies, along with a small stuffed bunny. Then again, I don't think that the Easter Bunny is reading my blog since the package did not included peeps, and didn't I specifically request those a few blogs ago?Oh well, can't complain too much, Easter baskets and packages are alway exciting to receive. So thank you Easter Bunny for my early spring presents!Enjoy ~SJ
Peeps are evil
FYI- Peeps are made in Bethlehem, PA
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