Showing posts with label pdmeme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pdmeme. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2008

Professional Development Meme

I stumbled upon this professional meme the other day in an education blog that I read on a regular basis. The blog is entitled Teaching Tomorrow, and the author is a Google Certified teacher. I know that I usually blog about personal "stuff", but I thought that this meme looked good, and I know that a lot of my regular readers are teachers as well.

Here are the rules:
  1. Pick 3 professional development goals and commit to achieving them this summer.
  2. For the purposes of this activity the end of summer will be Labor Day (09/01/08).
  3. Post the above directions along with your 3 goals on your blog.
  4. Title your post Professional Development Meme and link back/trackback to
  5. Use the following tag/ keyword/ category on your post: pdmeme.
  6. Tag 8 others to participate in the meme.
  7. Achieve your goals and “develop professionally.”
  8. Commit to sharing your results on your blog during early or mid-September.
Goal 1: Recreate my classroom website and find a stable place to house it on the internet.
Goal 2: Take a close look at both blogs and wiki's and figure out which one, or both would be best utilized in my math classroom. Then develop activities and lessons that I can use on a weekly basis in my classes.
Goal 3: Use NoteShare, a digital notebook, to organize my word problems aligned with the Maine Learning Results. This way I can easily share them with students, and it more efficient than my current system (that would be a lack of an organization system).

I am not going to "tag" eight specific people since I know there are a lot of teachers out there who read this. If you feel inspired to publicly post your teaching goals, feel free!

Enjoy ~SJ