Saturday, December 6, 2008

American Girl Doll Response

This is the reply that I received back from American Girl Doll about my Obama inspired doll line. Not very exciting, but certainly better than what I got back from Life Is Good!

Dear SJ,

We are complimented by your request to add an Obama children-inspired
American Girl doll to our product line. We appreciate your thoughtful
suggestion; however, our internal design team creates all of our
products, including our dolls, their stories and accessories. Although
we are not able to comply with your request, we will make note of it and
share it with the appropriate persons. Your comments and insights help
us determine if we are meeting the needs and interests of the girls we

Again, thank you for your support of American Girl!


American Girl® Customer Service

1 comment:

Beth said...

Molly and Sara had American Dolls--I wish they had been around when I was young. That was a good suggestion to them and I hope there is follow up.