What would go first the T.V. or the computer? This question came up during the morning chit chat in the school's office. The secretary defiantly was going for getting rid of the computer first! I gripped the desk white knuckled and said "Anything but the laptop! Take my T.V., but don't even think about taking the laptop!" I'm sure that you all feel the same way.

Enjoy ~SJ
Well seeing how you can download TV shows and movies anyhow, why not get rid of the TV and get a full size monitor for the computer instead?
Its like having two dish washing machines.........think of all that free cupboard space!!
they can have my laptop when they pry it from my cold dead fingers.
Yeah, that one's too easy. Now ask me "coffee or your laptop?" That one will take a bit more consideration.
ewwwww, weatherboy had to make it hard
You can take your coffee as long as I get to keep my laptop I'm ok. Remember there is always tea and chi!
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