Saturday, October 18, 2008

Since A Coconut Is Not A Mammal

As a morning coffee drinker I like a little artificial sweetener and a little milk product. In my attempt to be more healthy I switched to soy milk in my coffee instead of cream. It was a big change at first, but I am doing fine with the whole thing now.

This morning as the Music Man was fixing us both a cup of coffee I heard him yell: We are out of milk!

SJ: Is there anything we can substitute?

Sounds of rummaging through the cupboards

Music Man: What about coconut milk?

SJ: There isn't any actual milk in coconut milk, right? Since a coconut is not a mammal, it does not produce milk, right?

Music Man: How about black?

I drank the black coffee while adding soy milk to the mental list of things to pick up at the grocery store later on in the day. This little exchange this morning got me to thinking about coconuts and milk. If I follow my rational for why a coconut can not produce milk (lack of being a mammal), doesn't that also mean that the soy milk that I drink is not really milk since it too is not a mammal. So why be discriminate against coconut "milk" when I drink soy "milk"? Google to the rescue, where is what I found.

"Coconut milk is made by simmering equal parts water and shredded coconut meat, then squeezing and straining the thick liquid remaining. (Not to be confused with the liquid in the coconut, called coconut juice or coconut cream, which uses the same prepartion as coconut milk but a proportion of 4 parts coconut to 1 part water.) Coconut milk (nahm gkati) is the base of most Thai curries. Unsweetened coconut cream is made in the same manner as coconut milk, only the ratio is one part water (or milk for a richer product) to four parts coconut. Do not confuse sweetened cream of coconut (used for desserts and mixed drinks) with unsweetened coconut milk or cream." (Kitchen Dictionary)

"Delicious, convenient and incredibly good for you, soy milk may well become your favorite drink. Made from soy beans (no cows involved), soy milk is often used in place of dairy milk as a refreshing drink, over breakfast cereal and in coffee. For cooking, soy milk lends a boost of creamy great taste and extra nutrition to baked goods, casseroles and more. Plus, soy milk is the secret ingredient in the world’s greatest smoothies!

Soy milk has long been a popular choice for people who are lactose intolerant or prefer to avoid animal products. But ever since Silk brought the creamy pleasure of soy milk to the mainstream, everybody’s riding the wave. After all, you don’t need a special reason to indulge in great taste.

Soy milk is loaded with vitamins and minerals your body needs to maintain peak health. It also provides special nutrients called isoflavones that scientists believe may help reduce the risk of certain cancers and provide other important health benefits.

What Are Soy Beans?

To really understand soy milk, you need to understand the source – soy beans. Soy beans are a high protein bean originally grown in China. Considered a complete protein, they contain all 8 essential amino acids. Low in saturated fat (bad fat), high in polyunsaturated fat (good fat) and cholesterol free, soy beans may be the world’s perfect food.

Acre for acre, soy can feed more people than practically any other food, and this efficient use of land is just one of the reasons why it’s environmentally friendly. Soy beans are used for much more than soy milk. They’re used in all kinds of foods and even in some unexpected items like crayons." (Silk Soy Milk)

Enjoy ~SJ

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