Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools Day

Ok, I know that I am a day late posting about April Fools Day, but it took me 24 hours to recover. You have to understand that for middle school students April Fools Day is a national holiday, bigger than Christmas and Halloween combined. Since this year the first of April fell on a school day it was pure crazy in my school yesterday! We had students leave rocks that looked like feces in classrooms, hide on teachers, and bark like dogs whenever teachers said a predetermined word. I think that I will have to do some researching and planning before next years day of pranks comes around.

Enjoy ~SJ

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"The secret word is: APPARATUS". I've never been more impressed with a group of students' goodhearted execution of a practical joke. I usually hate April Fools' Day, but this particular joke was pure magic.