A family member has been sending out old family pictures this week and asking for people to share if they know more about the story than just who is in the picture. I haven't been able to contribute much to this conversation but have been enjoying looking at the old pictures and learning more family stories. There was one photo that I could put in my two cents on and it is below. As I am sure that I have mentioned Worthley Pond has a long and deep rooted family tradition. Many generations of the family on both sides have spent their summers on the shores of the pond. The picture is just one piece of that family tradition. The part of the story that I could tell with the below picture is where on the pond the picture was taken, it happens to be not too far from my own house. I recognized the shoreline in the old picture and went down to my dock to confirm that this old picture was taken not to far from my own house - I decided to take a picture to prove it. I sent this all back to the family member who was happy to learn more about the picture. I am going to add it to my growing collection of family pictures from the pond.

Maybe doing a little Skywatch will help solve your own family photo questions!
Enjoy ~SJ